Monday, August 5, 2013

Vegan Sunday Roast

Greetings wayward travelers. You seem to have stumbled upon my food blog, where I intend to post vegan recipes, restaurant reviews and the occasional food related sonnet. I remind you however that intentions often waver and the future is uncertain. For all I know I may end up posting detailed accounts of visits to the DMV and pictures of dolphins.

Let us hope not.

Well maybe the dolphins.

My recipes (whether or not that is what the future holds for this blog) tend to be:

Vegan (always)
Healthy (except when they aren't)
Inexpensive (when they can be)
Simple (er . . . sometimes)

Because I read too much, many of them are inspired by historical time eras or books I read.

Because I write, many of them will be food cravings disguised as research for my books.

Some are just recipes.

To begin, I present to you what I had for dinner last night. Also known as . . .

Vegan Sunday Roast


One potato
A dozen or so baby carrots
Five to seven mushrooms
Two thick slices of red onion
Half a cup of frozen peas (canned would probably work too)
Vegan butter

To begin (and also to eventually end) . . .

1) Place potato on baking dish (any kind really, I use the mini cookie sheet that came with my toaster oven). Place in oven at 400 degrees for a half an hour.

But wait! You say, shouldn't I preheat first? Yes, I answer, if you are using a regular oven, but I use my toaster oven so there isn't any preheating.

2) Pull out potato. Cut onion slices in half and arrange around potato along with carrots and mushrooms. Spoon one or two tablespoons of vegan butter on top and return to oven for one hour. For me this is two cycles of my toaster oven so I must be somewhere near to turn the dial when it goes off. An excellent time to read a book.

3) Pull roast out of oven and scatter peas on top. Return to oven for an additional half hour.

4) Pull roast out of oven. Cut open potato. Smother with another spoon of butter. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Consume.

Serves: One. Two if there is enough dessert.

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